Your Guide To The Best Time To Visit Antarctica

Antarctica is an isolated place on the planet that still remains a mystery for the world's population. Its extreme weather conditions have kept tourists at bay till now. However, now you can plan an adventurous expedition into Antarctica with guided professionals by your side. Since the wrath of extreme weather is a major red flag, it's important to know the best time to visit Antarctica throughout the year. By the time you finish reading this article, you'll know everything about the correct time to visit this place. Read on. January The peak season lasts till January with daylight lingering for 24 hours straight. The month provides you with an opportunity to witness fluffy grey penguins, whales, and seals. You can embark on expensive voyages in early January. It's the perfect time as the ice starts breaking and allows visitors to set foot where only a couple of people made it in the past. February February is the peak season for people interested in whale watching...